Q: What is the width of the line on the arena?
The width of the line to be followed on the arena is 4cm (with a 10% tolerance).
Q: What type of RFID Tags will be used for the event?
Universal readable “credit card” sized plastic RFID Tags will be used for the event.
Q: Where will the RFID Tags be placed on the arena?
The RFID Tags (cards) will be placed on every node flat under the arena (to prevent any obstructions in the traversal of the bot). However, the RFID Tags will still be readable using the RFID sensor from above the arena.
Q: Will I get time to calibrate my IR sensors’ threshold for line following?
Yes you’ll be able to do that during a (x minute) trial run before the start of the final run. The trial run will not be scored in any manner.
Q: How do I register for the event? Is there any abstract submission for the event?
Registration for the events has to be done from www.ktj.in. No abstract submission is required.
Q: What is the participation fee for the event?
There is no separate participation fees. But you need to pay for the accommodation. For more details regarding this, please visit www.ktj.in.
Q: How many members can be there in a team and how many team members can control the bot during the run?
There can be a maximum of 4 members in a team and only one member can hold the wires used for powering the bot during the run.
Q: What kind of microcontroller can be used in the robot?
Any microcontroller below 16 bit can be used.
Q: Is using custom circuits allowed?
Yes, you can use your own circuits.
Q: Out of which material can the bot be made?
Materials such as wood, PLA (3D printed parts), aluminium etc. can be used.
Q: Which microcontroller is recommended?
Arduino mega (Atmega 2560 chip) is recommended
Q: Can the bot be connected to a laptop during the run?
No. Laptop can be run only to burn the code prior to the run.
Q: After timeout what will be the orientation of the robot?
It will be the same as the position and orientation of the robot before the timeout. The final decision rests with Team Robotix.